2. Jack Bauer eats broken glass for breakfast and then uses the leftovers to kill terrorists.
3. Matlock- no contest. He has his own trusty private investigator named Conrad McMasters. I rest my case.
4. Everyone knows that your fighting skills are directly proportional to how cool your theme song is. A-Team wins, hands down.
5. Captain America has no super powers, and we all know what happens to steroid users--they perform extremely well. Captain America wins, but after a lengthy court case is stripped of the title, demoted from Captain, and sentanced to a six months in prison.
Wolverine keeps his title in the swimsuit competition.
6. Janet strikes again.
7. Dumbledore has no death defying powers. Let's not forget that Gandalf died once and then came back to life. He always wins in the end.
Oh, I've been waiting ages for this.
1. KITT. Artificial intelligence will win the day. Plus, KITT has that tough looking bird decal on his hood.
2. Jack Bauer. Because John McClane doesn't even have the power to get me to go to his new movie. Not a good sign.
3. I'm voting for the underdog. Having never lost a case, Perry gets overconfident. Matlock wins in a close decision.
4. A-Team in a fist-fight. Oceans 11 in an elaborately executed casino heist.
5. Never vote against anyone with regenerative powers. Ahem. Wolverine.
6. Nice try, but still not even close. Janet Reno.
7. Dumbledore has more gadgets up his sleeve. So unless he decides to sacrifice himself for the greater good, I'm going with Albus.
1. Airwolf of course! Airwolf is supersonic and has a nuclear warhead.
2. As much as I hate to say it, its gotta be John McClane. He walked barefoot through broken glass, broken glass!
3. Matlock would win because Mason would never loose his temper.
4. The A-Team, because Mr T could take Oceans 11 all by himself.
5. Healing factor, Wolverine for the win.
6. Whatever happens the city they are fighting in will be leveled.
7. Gandalf has a staff Dumbledore has a wand. Staff trumps wand.
1. KITT. Never hassle the hoff... or his car.
2. Jack Bauer eats broken glass for breakfast and then uses the leftovers to kill terrorists.
3. Matlock- no contest. He has his own trusty private investigator named Conrad McMasters. I rest my case.
4. Everyone knows that your fighting skills are directly proportional to how cool your theme song is. A-Team wins, hands down.
5. Captain America has no super powers, and we all know what happens to steroid users--they perform extremely well. Captain America wins, but after a lengthy court case is stripped of the title, demoted from Captain, and sentanced to a six months in prison.
Wolverine keeps his title in the swimsuit competition.
6. Janet strikes again.
7. Dumbledore has no death defying powers. Let's not forget that Gandalf died once and then came back to life. He always wins in the end.
Oh, Conrad. Nice one.
Don't we have a top 10 coming? I know you've got it tucked away somewhere.
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