Melissa, Michelle and I have been checking out TV shows that are now on DVD. We decided to see what was up with the series that inspired one of our favorite movies: Serenity. Firefly only ran for 14 episodes. Firefly was a pretty smart show, It had a lot of character development, and some pretty hilarious moments. I found myself thinking "I wonder when Melissa will pick up the next disk from the library. Oh wait there are no more disks!" ARRRGGHH!! It just got me thinking about how many horrible TV shows have gone on long runs while great shows like Firefly get cancelled. Let's think of some horrible shows that went a long time. Charmed: 8 seasons, better yet Stargate SG1 ran for 10 seasons. I guess it just shows that quality and succesful don't always coincide.
What am I?! A potted plant??!?
Put him in a bodybag, Michelly!
But fo' real, what's with cancelling Serenity? That show had great dialogue and some great moments. Besides, they were just getting warmed up. Granted, a space western isn't entirely mainstream, but give it a chance. I, for one, was blissfully unaware of the show until well after it had been cancelled and they made that delightfully quirky feature film out of it. Alas.
I totally agree about Raymond--that show jumped the shark about five seasons ago. Every episode was his wife yelling at him for doing something dumb. ANNOYING!
I've never seen Serenity though. Sorry David, don't mean to turn this into an Everybody loves Raymond discussion.
Oh, I forgot--Amber doesn't love Raymond. She's like Chuck Norris in that way. I do like watching the reruns, but I'm not sure which season is which. Some are certainly better than others. Also, I need to correct my error--the series is called Firefly, the film is Serenity.
Other TV frustrations:
Insert any long-running daytime soap here.
Do we really need 17 incarnations of CSI?
Smallville just ain't what it used to be.
I'm sure you happy now that Keifer won an Emmy for 24, and the series also won best drama.
I didn't watch the Emmys, but it's nice to hear those folks aren't complete idiots.
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