Jack Bauer or Jason Bourne-
Darth Maul or Wolverine-
George H. W. Bush or Janet Reno-
Harry Tasker(True Lies) or Dutch(Predator)-
Vassili Ziatzev or Carlos Hathcock-
Mr. Rodgers or Barny-
Solid Snake or Rambo-
Saddam Hussein or Slobodan Milosevic-
Mick Jagger or Steven Tyler-
1. Jason Bourne in a fist-fight. Jack Bauer over the phone.
2. Darth Maul, unless there's a swimsuit competition.
3. Janet Reno
4. Ahnold is Ahnold
5. Who the heck?
5B(Post Google) Vassili, duh, didn't you see the movie?
6. Why do you think dinosaurs are now extinct?
7. Rocky. Every time.
8. This is getting ridiculous
9. Saddam. Slobodan's been having some health problems lately.
10. Survey Says: McJagger
Oh yeah, Wolverine would DEFINITELY win a swimsuit contest! Yeayah!
1.Jason Bourne has been genetically altered to kick butt and look good doing it
2.This one depends on if lightsabers can melt adimantium.
4.I'm a cop you idiot!
5.ya... i have no clue who these guys are.
6.It took Mr. Rodgers like 20 minutes to take off his shoes, so I'm gonna have to go with the hyper dyno.
7.Rambo has no reset button. He always wins.
8.LAPD: SWAT just sounds cooler and as we all know... "don't fool with the cool, cause the cool don't fool."
9.Hussein... he's feisty
10. I think with Steven Tyler's huge mouth he could just eat Mick.
Michelle, that's totally the question I asked myself on number two. We are so related.
And, girl, you made me laugh out loud.
More than once.
Jack Bauer could probably overcome Jason Bourne with sheer emotional intensity without even striking him.
Darth Maul for sure. Wolverine doesn't have any type of force powers good or bad.
Janet Reno. Pretty much Janet Reno over anyone else in this list.
Dutch from Predator. No question. He can survive in the forest and defeat invisable aliens that have nuclear weapons and laser beams, using only sticks and stones. Harry Tasker had many weapons, helicopters, not to mention a Harrier.
Barny would win because he would just sit on Mr. Rodgers or just overwhelm him with annoyingness.
Solid Snake. Sorry Rambo, too many issues to deal with.
Seal Team 6, you don't want to mess with those guys.
Saddam Hussein ... you can't say Slobodan without saying "slow".
Mick Jagger, same reason that Jack Bauer would win
Dave and I were watching Keifer Sutherland on Late Night all polite and polished in his suit. I said,"He's not Jack Bauer in real life, is he?"
But the next guest--one Andy Samberg, heh heh--rolled out some footage from one of his shorts. He and his buddies were on the streets staging a mugging of an "old lady" when who but Keifer Sutherland pulls over ready to bust their chops.
He is really Jack Bauer. I knew it.
Then it's settled--Jack Bauer would whoop everyone's butts.
My earlier comment made it sound like Samberg was hiding footage in his shorts. He wasn't.
Hey, time for a new post, genius.
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