Who would win in a fight, part II.

Games like this must have given rise to programs like Celebrity Boxing, and with the success of that program new ideas have been circulating. Recent rumors have suggested a no holds barred MMA match between Wesley Snipes, and Joe Rogan. The question is: if these two ever step into the octagon who would win? Would Rogan with his backround in Tae Kwon Do, and recent training in Submission Grappling and Jiu Jitsu be able to take on The years of training and conditioning in Kung Fu, Karate, and Tae Kwon Do Snipes has under his belt. Please take skills and training into account, along with attitude, comment with the method of victory ie Submission, Knock Out, Split Decision etc. Its time to participate in WWWIAF 2--- LETS GET IT ON!
1. Rogan vs Snipes
2. Splinter vs Mr. Miaggi
3. Batman vs The Punisher
4. Ann Coulter vs Michael Moore
5. The Incredible Hulk, vs Superman
6. Ding Chaves vs John Clark
7. Porter Rockwell vs Daniel Boone
8. Sir Isaac Newton vs Albert Einstein