Tuesday, November 29, 2005

My Favorite Movie Fights.

Here are some of my favorite fight sequences in movies.

S.W.A.T.: Street and Gamble's final face off. This fight has a very gritty, real feel to it. Most fights do end up clinching and on the ground. I like Streets "Ground n' Pound" style. One of the more realistic fight sequences I have seen.

Bourne Identity: The fight between Bourne and Castle exemplifies some more practical standing submissions and good practical striking. I like the use of expedient weaponry, specificaly the pen.

The Matrix: Neo and Morpheus' sparing bout. While this fight is completely unrealistic due to some wire use and sped up cinematics it is still cool. While I think "wire fu" is very stupid this fight shows some cool techniques. Also the wire use was not blatant and tacky like Hero, or Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.


Blogger Melissa said...

Hey now, Danger, you know I'm a Crouching Tiger fan. I'll let it slide this time. However, you have forgotten an all-time great--the infamous oil spill fight from The Transporter. HAH!

For some reason, I like fights where the hero takes a licking but keeps on ticking. Like Rocky and Cool Hand Luke. Although, in those cases, I guess it's not really about the fight so much as (cue music) the triumph of the human spirit against unspeakable odds."

Also, that one showdown in HP3 between Hermione Granger & Draco Malfoy was pretty intense

12:28 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

Melissa, Thats exactly the type of commentary I was looking for.

It sounded like Malfoy's head bounces off the rock.

1:08 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Dave you's a swell cat. I'm gonna have to agree with Melis on the oil spil fight too. However I'm gonna have to say one of my fav fight scenes goes to Indiana Jones--where the guy whips out the sword and does all this fancy shmancy stuff and then good ol Indiana whips out the gun and POW!

12:54 PM  
Blogger Brookie said...

I really enjoy, among other things, Japanese/Chinese choreographed fights. I am a Crouching Tiger fan as well, Melissa! But anyways, it's a pretty lame fight, but I really do enjoy the fight in Rush Hour 2 when the Chinese girl (the same chick that's in the afore mentioned film) is totally kicking Chris Tucker's trash, but he thinks he's winning. Hmmmmm... what else? The Next Karate Kid with Hilary Swank had a pretty amazing fight scene too! Yeah, she totally kicked all those "professionally-trained" ninja's butts... fo sho!

PS. I love Chuck Norris! And ESPN "The Ocho!"

10:41 PM  
Blogger Brookie said...

Michelle told me to say that thing about Chuck Norris... if it were my choice, I would have put "I love Billy Gates! He's the Hottest 80's Nerd on the Planet!" But alas, twas not so. Anyways, now that I have commented on your blog, I am quite convinced you owe me the same. So get goin!

10:44 PM  
Blogger Amber said...

Um helloooo, how could you not include anything from Star Wars? Great fight scenes in all of those movies. Particularly Empire Strikes Back--the fight between Darth and son is awesome!

Vader: Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father.
Luke: He told me enough. He told me you killed him.
Vader: No. I am your father.
Luke: No. That's not true. That's impossible!
Vader: Search your feelings, you know it be true.
Luke: No! Noooo!

6:00 AM  
Blogger Melissa said...

That's my all-time favorite scene from Star Wars because Luke's faces goes beserk when he's shouting "NOOOOOO." I do a mean imitation, but it doesn't translate very well into print.

10:12 AM  

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