Tuesday, April 17, 2007

"When will we learn that being defenseless is a bad defense?"--- Larry Pratt GOA

pic by Oleg Volk.

Friday, April 06, 2007

If you dont know what this is...

You're still probably more qualified to speak about combat that Nancy Pelosi. I must say that as a student in this day and age I am exposed to a lot of vocal students who want to rant. They say "Bush does this", "Bush does that", "Bush has gotten us into this war..."

I would love to ask a question to the many hundred twenty pound, shaggy, smelly war protesters I meet. Do you know the first thing about fighting? What makes you more qualified to tell America how to fight a war than Generals? What makes you smart enough to tell the country what is good for it, even though you don't have access to the thousands of Intelligence, Military Intelligence and Federal Law Enforcement agents that are gathering the information to fight the war on terror?

The real reason these mangy pseudo intellectuals are griping is this: THEIR GUY DIDN'T WIN!!! They are such sore losers that they are trying to undermine the Presidency at every turn. This isn't good for America. Nancy Pelosi doesn't speak for America! Visits to Syria are not in her job description! What is her job? She moderates proceedings in the house, and she is the leader of the majority party---thats it! Foreign Policy is the Presidents job, he is the leader of the country, he is our representative to the world. The Democrat party along with the liberal press is doing their best to dammage this country, and they are doing it intentionally.